
Showing posts from January, 2021

Effective Strategies: The Key to Intel’s Success

What is an Effective Strategy? Strategy effectiveness is the company's ability to set the right goals and consistently achieve them. Most companies have goals, plans or objectives about how to achieve success in their company, but most do not have an effective strategy in place for reaching those goals. Those that do have a strategy in place do not realize it may even be flawed or ineffective for their business model. Thus, the need for having an effective strategy is the key to achieve the desired success and to fulfill the mission set by the management of the company. Intel is one such company which has focused on implementing and designing effective strategies. The intel strategies considers the holistic view of the business focusing on development of processes, individuals, and technologies of the company. Because of Intel’s unique business strategies it has enabled the company to stand-out among the competitors. Intel’s strategy in today’s world: In today’s circumstance

Intel vs Samsung: The fight for Domination

Introduction: In the second half of the 20th century when semiconductors were developed for the first time, the number of companies involved in the production of semiconductors were handful in numbers. Fairchild electronics, Texas instruments were the first companies to produce the semiconductors. Intel was also one of the early manufacturers of semiconductors. Since the establishment of Intel it has dominated the semiconductor industry. Many companies have given tough competition to Intel over the years, and some of them have also snatched the crown from Intel for some years. From all these competitors, Samsung is the most fierceful one and it has given the toughest competition to Intel since its establishment. But according to semiconductor rankings 2020 , Intel has defended its top position, forcing Samsung to settle for the second position.   Intel vs Samsung: A comparison of two rivals Intel has secured the top spot in the semiconductor market in 2020, but that doesn’t mean

Contributors of Integrated Circuit Invention

Integrated Circuits: The What? Integrated Circuits or as we know them today chips are widely used in almost every electronic and digital equipment. From space rockets to our smartphones, IC chips are present everywhere. The use and application of IC chips are so many in today’s time that without them the global growth may stop. We should be thankful to those people who contributed to the invention of integrated circuits. It should be noted that the focus is not on who invented Integrated circuit, but the focus should be on who contributed to its invention. Werner Jacobi , Geoffrey Dummer, Harwick Johnson, Sidney Darlington, Yasuo Tarui, Jack Kilby, Robert Noyce, Jean Hoerni, Kurt Lehovec, Mohamed Atalla, and others. You might think that how can so many people contribute to invention of one thing. But it should be understood that the process of developing Integrated circuits was quite complicated, and every person in the above-given paragraph contributed in one way or another. The con