Effective Strategies: The Key to Intel’s Success

What is an Effective Strategy?

Strategy effectiveness is the company's ability to set the right goals and consistently achieve them. Most companies have goals, plans or objectives about how to achieve success in their company, but most do not have an effective strategy in place for reaching those goals. Those that do have a strategy in place do not realize it may even be flawed or ineffective for their business model. Thus, the need for having an effective strategy is the key to achieve the desired success and to fulfill the mission set by the management of the company. Intel is one such company which has focused on implementing and designing effective strategies. The intel strategies considers the holistic view of the business focusing on development of processes, individuals, and technologies of the company. Because of Intel’s unique business strategies it has enabled the company to stand-out among the competitors.

Intel’s strategy in today’s world:

In today’s circumstances, when the whole world is facing severe challenges, Intel has implemented such strategies which will not only enable them to achieve their goals but it will also fulfill their social responsibilities. This shared responsibility on which Intel has focused for so many decades has also contributed to their success as people not view them as some money churning company, but as a company which really wants to make the world a better place. Intel’s strategies focus on creating a more responsible, inclusive, and sustainable world, enabled through technology and collective actions.

The responsibility component includes taking upon the task of making the world a better place by introducing modern and advanced technologies.

The inclusive component includes allowing the employees, management and customers to be a part of this journey and drive the company's growth by sharing knowledge, developing skills, and with cross-culture and cross-dimensional collaboration.

The term sustainable world stands for introducing and following such practices which are beneficial to the world and providing solutions for the problems faced by the world as of now. This component includes developing state of art technologies which can drive global development by keeping the integrity of our planet intact and using the resources optimally.

The final component, enabling revolves around the concept of making the various stakeholders of the company self-sufficient and enabling them to act in their way for their betterment and collective benefit of the society.


Intel did not become such a successful company overnight. It took the efforts of hundreds and thousands of people, hard work of millions of hours and brains of many in establishing a position in this competitive world. There is no doubt that Intel's strategies brought positive change in the society and in the industry. Thus, it can be said that the role of effective strategy is more crucial than one can think.



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