IC Market: Why it is important that much
IC Market: History and Importance in Today’s World
Integrated Circuit (IC) is a small semiconductor chip made of
silicon which is used in almost every electronic device. These IC or
semiconductor chips are the heart of any electronic device or equipment. An Integrated
Circuit chip can either be analog or digital or combination of both. The very
first Integrated Circuit chip was developed in Mid-20th century. The
credit for its vast industrial application goes to Intel, as it was one of the
early IC Manufacturing companies to indulge in IC market and started
manufacturing them in bulk. Intel is one of the leading companies in the IC
market. The significance of IC chip may not seem that much to a common
person but without them almost any electronic device will not work. Today these
chips are used widely in almost every field and every industry from
agriculture, to automobiles, aerospace to defence, Tech industry to electrical
appliances, Healthcare to Space industry. Without them, our daily routine will
fall apart, and the world become a chaotic place. The increasing adoption of
the Internet of things (IoT) is expected to drive the demand for integrated
circuits (ICs) in the upcoming time. ICs allow us to sense, understand, and
transmit intelligent data. IoT is expected to boost the growth of the
integrated circuit market, due to various benefits of using analog ICs across a
wide range of real-time connected devices and applications.
In 2009 the global integrated circuit market size was $190.34
Billion which increased to $354.56 Billion in 2020 and it is expected to grow
by around 8.25% in 2021. Texas Instruments, Toshiba, Qualcomm, Derf Electronics
Corporation, Infineon Technologies AG, STMicroelectronics, Intel Corporation,
FUJITSU, TSMC are some of the major players in the field of integrated circuit
market. It is important to understand that with never ending demand for IC
chips the market will surely follow upwards trend and will grow many-folds in
upcoming years. Due to increase in demand for more and more wireless
technologies, 5G rollout, advancement in space travel, self-driving cars,
widespread application of 3D-technology, increasing growth of VR industry and
the role of artificial intelligence in future, all of these are factors/reasons
why the role of IC chip and its market is so important.
Countries like Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, USA are some of
the leading countries in IC market while countries like China & India are
also emerging and giving a tough competition. With the growing competition
among these countries the market players in the market has also increased significantly.
An industry which had only handful of companies manufacturing IC chips by the
end of 20th century is today, home to more than two dozen companies
as leading manufactures. The importance of IC market is beyond our imagination
as we there is not even a single industry or industry which can work without
using IC chips. IC market may not be the most valuable industry in the world
when compared in monetary terms, by when we take application parameter as the
base it is surely one of the most important industry in the world.
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